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Are clams the same as mussels?

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Bbbananas | 14:31 Tue 23rd Nov 2010 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
they tasted like it to me in Carluccio's at the weekend.
is there a difference?


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Yeah they are different....they have different shells as well.
they're both molluscs but different species
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I did notice the shells were tortoise-shell brown as opposed to black. Tasted the same though. Was a good dish anyhow - Linguini with Clams, garlic & chilli. Might try it myself some time.... and probably with some anchovies.
I've never tried clams. Just haven't seen them for sale.

Love mussels though...
isn´t clam yank for cockles or a small shell?

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Are clams the same as mussels?

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