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Mash potatoes.

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pussnboots | 23:20 Tue 14th Dec 2010 | Food & Drink
42 Answers
I love mashed potatoes but never seem to get them as tasty as I want them, I mash them with milk and butter but they are still a bit bland, any suggestions?


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cooked black pudding cut into small pieces.......add to buttery mash.fabulous.
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Loads of tips here, I will try them all, quite fancy the more butter one, the horseradish one, mustard and sour cream, my mash will be going through loads of transformations from now on. Last you add extra salt/pepper to finished result.
no way naz it get too smooth and gooey, sorry blender is not good for mash unless you want ready meal style mash, ha ha naz take that on the nose lol
use cream instead of milk and chop in some dill
"ha ha naz take that on the nose lol "

Missed :-P
Also, to stop it being too mushy (after you've added all that extra butter) jacket potatoes are supposed to be the best thing for mash as they dry out nicely (never tried it myself).
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thinly sliced spring onions & plenty of pepper
Instead of all potato, boil with some celeriac pieces - cooks in same time.
Loads of stuff you can add. Chives, cheese, spring or salad onion, mustard, garlic, worcester sauce etc etc
Leave the skins on, that's where all the goodness and a lot of flavour is. Mash with some mascarpone cheese (instead of milk and butter) and some fresh ground black pepper. Lovely!
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I do mine with a little salted butter and some full cream milk, added a little at a time depending upon the type of potato.

Am also craving mashed with chives now. Or even with spring onions and cheese, how about some diced ham/gammon too?
Butter, Wholegrain mustard, chopped chives, black pepper and sprinkle with a little cheese
My auntie puts a smidgen on mustard and horseradish in hers, and I don't like either normally but in the mash is delicious.
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and use the right variety...desiree or rooster for creamy mash or Wilja are good for a coarser more 'crushed potato' type like the posey restaurants charlotte or vivaldi if it has maris or pentland in the name of the variety don't waste your time
Buy Roosters...steam them...mash, then add salt, pepper and lot's of butter. Milk or a dash of cream to make them creamier..

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