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Which food do you hate preparing?

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EcclesCake | 13:30 Thu 20th Jan 2011 | Food & Drink
82 Answers
I am cooking up a vat of vindaloo and have to peel two bulbs of garlic. I hate peeling garlic, what do you hate cooking/preparing?


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Hammerman - pour boiling water over them and leave for a minute or two, makes life much easier!
watched jamie oliver,you dont need to peel just put it in the garlic press the way it is
I wonder could you put the whole bulb in a potato ricer...
garlic press? Who still uses those? lol ;-)
For cooking purposes frozen diced onions and frozen chopped garlic are much more convenient and cheaper than the real thing.
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jamie pliver uses them,and me
cooked toms make me ill, just looking at them makes me feel sick, and the whole plum tomatos i'm convinced are really peeled testicles!
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Garlic press = 5 seconds to use + 5 minutes washing up!

I wasn't really looking for a solution, just wanted a winge and wondered what tasks others found tiresome/unpleasant!
^ oliver
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Thank god I'm not putting tinned tomatoes in my curry today!
Steak pie. Its the flouring, frying and stewing of the meat that I hate and the fact that I have to do this the day before so the flavours develope.
LOL Pixi about the Cornflour.

I am OK with flour in the Breadmaker - I don't have to touch it. I hate it though when it gets on a work surface and you have to wash it off and it goes all gooey.

Cornflour is OK because again I don't have to touch the stuff.

Not keen on cooking with eggs either because slimy raw eggs are so awful to look at. Actually, I don't like eating eggs much, especially if they are soft!!
And I don't prepare bananas - they are not even allowed in the house!! Evil things.
Chopping up swede. It needs a hammer and chisel!
Mr LL has to chop up the swede!! I simply can't do it. A chainsaw might help!!
Morrisons sell packs of frozen crushed garlic which is reasonably priced and very easy to use, I keep the pack in a polythene bag in the freezer once it has been opened so that the freezer doesn't get smelly.
if you give the garlic clove a short sharp whack under a knife (without crushing it) it's very easy to peel!!
butternut squash and swede. I just cannot cut them up. I hat touching parsnips too
Swede! Really hard to chop!

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