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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
700 Answers
Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
I'm not telling anyone my bazoom size .Needless to say I've just had to undo my bra as it's driving me mad :)
Well ..easy peasey
.Went to the hospital on the scenic route ( millionaites row and the seafront ) waited ten mins and they gave me the prescription . Now why couldn't that dragon do that for me yesterday and save me a four mile round trip in the rain and freezing wind . It's sod's law I get her when I phone the surgery .All the others are fine .
The weather has gone downhill fast compared to this morning .
Just made a chicken, peanut and potato thai curry, pad thai, and thai rice, and got portable dvd rewriter to download a film from laptop, talk about multi tasking! Phew, tired!
Sorry shaney, didn't see you there, hope all's ok. Yes sod's law, we always suffer under that. If anyone's order in the restaurant is forgotten or wrong, yep it's us, if any paperwork isn't right and not our fault, yep us again. Makes me dread facing some of these people in "authority". When I check in on the planes, I wait a while and look at who is acting the nicest to the travellers then I go there and get weighed in. Doesn't always work though :-(
Hello there. I was 8.1/2 stone for years then when I had my son I only went up to 10 stone and he was 9lb 6. When I got to 40 I went up to 9.1/2 stone then 60 to 11.3 and 38 B bust. (I too have a broad back)!! Now I'm down to 10 st. but still have the same bust I'm pleased to say. That's enough measurement for the time being....
I would like to have my nose straightened but don't suppose I ever will, I'm not really into cosmetic surgery in the young people.
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I fancy Neti's curry!!

Well I have been to the post office. That is a nighmare. We aren't that small a town and our post office (a big general one) was closed down several years ago. We now all have to go to the back of a local newsagents store. The queues are humungous and there is no room anyway and only two people ever serving. I had to go with some parcels that are being returned to M&S and Cotton Traders.

Then went to Morrisons for a few bits and then..................... yes.................... to the garden centre where I bought some really nice thermal socks in pretty colours. There was a lovely dark blue fleece there with a dark plummy pink lining but I resisted temptation. I have suggested to the garden centre that they open a food store as well, and then I will never have to go anywhere else to shop and I can also eat delicious home made food for breakfast, lunch and tea. Yes - they also do breakfasts!!

It's tomorrow my watch will arrive!!

Am now off to clear up kitchen and do some sorting out and will see you all tomorrow in Narnia.

Have a peaceful evening.

Lottie you lost me on the go gambling as well and i still haven't got it....
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Oh dear I have made a boob and Woofie is still stuck in the cupboard with the mothballs!!! I emailed jno twice instead.

Will someone please email her. I have an email address with some initials. I think they are Woofie's but am not sure I have no name in my contacts, just the email address. Can someone confirm her address to me.

oh, and I am only here the once. Never mind, all will be sorted when you have a new watch.
neti, my royal correspondent tells me that whoever is moderating Her Maj's Facebook page is being rather slow in removing anti-Camilla comments. I haven't bothered to search to see if this is true, but I do hope nobody is adding them in the thought that she is beyond the reach of MI6 because she lives abroad. The treason laws are taken very seriously here.
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Jude. Think about the section we are in now and the connection with gambling. Oh dear, some of these biddies are just not up to the mark, and Robinia got it straight away??!! ;o)

Hi jno. Glad you made it!!
OOh Lottie. I'm as thick as two short proverbials. Aren't I!!
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No, you are just our lovely Jude :o). LOL
I have sent emails to two addresses I seem to have for woofy, so we'll see what happens.

PS I didn't get the gambling thing at all, Jude, so you are not alone. I didn't find my way here until the email arrived. I am not at my brightest between midnight and 11.58pm.
jno, I'm still not sure which FB is the queen, there are so many and I think she is The British Monarchy, but I've got QE.

Curry was nice, we enjoy exotic foods.

I'll message woofy on FB! (privately)
My God, jno, Her madge is rabbitting away like a good 'un on FB, there's no shutting her up, but it's all very worthy. Must go and tug my forelock and grovel!
bless you ladies here I is....used to love the Narnia books, I still have my original copies, 6 paperbacks and two hardbacks won as prizes. I know CS Lewis was a strange man but i loved the fact that he treated children as sensible people who could understand sacrifice and death. I quite liked being well endowed in my teens but PMS was agony in the tropics (with DH on ships) as I held water like mad. Now they have retired from public life..when they get fed up with being in a bra they make my back ache but apart from that we get along pretty well.
DH pretty good today but sore in unmentionable places. In two weeksish he is back to have the stent (tube that held his wee tube from kidney to bladder open when the tumour pressed it shut) removed. They pass a camera up then a grabby thing...fair makes your eyes water.
Shaney what goes around comes around and your dragonish receptionist will get hers. I have just finished the latest Robert Jordan book...last in the series..if you like action fantasy he is amazing....huge broad stories like Tolkien.
have you seen the M and S glittery roses? 2.50 each or 3 for 2...amazing!
like this only bigger and glitteryer
lots of amazing in that post lol, have just had a glass of wine and feel like I have chugged a bottle
daughter has decreed that xmas tree this year will be green with gold and silver decs, normally it's gold and red. so will have to go and get some silver baubles etc (I'm sure I've got some somewhere. but where!)
yes, I think it's The British Monarchy. The QE2 one has been around for ages, so I have no idea if it's genuine. So hard to check these things out when one is on one's knees don't yer know.
Evening possies, so this is Narnia. Never read it but I've heard about Aslan Neti I wasn't allowed to view your link - something about look out Mr N Swedie is coming? Could you get a code from TinyPic please, I'm cuuurious.

Just had some liquorice marmalade from the deli... sounds very depraved doesn't it and I didn't think it would be all that good but my it is tasty. Looks like runny Marmite=:0 Actually it's apple marmalade with liquorice flavour but it's fresh as apples, it's ridiculously tasty, I tell you! <they don't believe me>

Vaseline Vision ha ha Robi that sounds like some channel that mainly airs old Meg Ryan movies or something. (Didn't movie makers in days of yore use to put vaseline on the lens.)

Love your poppytars, sorry I can't have one too but I haven't earned it. My generation when we grew up were taught that Sweden was peace-loving and managed to stay neutral during WWII - as if we were terribly clever. In later years though we have learned what cowards we were, in many ways. I suppose it was complicated. But still. There was a radio programme the other day about it and it was rather depressing. Suddenly the narrator said "This is how Swedish radio reported about Kristallnacht:" - and next the radio went quiet. I thought there was something wrong with my radio signals but it was in fact part of the dramaturgy - as apparently we hadn't seen fit to mention it. So no poppy for me:'( Thank you Britain, you were brave.

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