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carlton23 | 00:13 Tue 03rd Jan 2012 | Home & Garden
11 Answers
We`re getting our bathroom and toilet converted into a `walk-in shower room`


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They are great, we had ours done a couple of years ago, love it!!
does that mean you stand on/in the loo while showering?
should make like so much easier .... good for you
Although I do sometimes miss having a bath to relax in, wet rooms or walk-in shower rooms are absolutely great! As ratter said, we have one and it is a delight!I hope you enjoy yours!
Hi carlton, I just got to step outdoors today and I have a ready made shower, albeit cold and round the next corner awaits the dryer ...cold again !!!
carlton.............. you are sooo posh ! enjoy :)
Doesn't the loo-paper go soggy???

Baldric, the room does not get submerged lol

That's ruined a perfectly good image.

a walk in shower ? crikey thats what i have to do with mine.

what are you doing at the moment, snorkelling up the u bend ?
people do say the lack of a bath reduces resale value (eg families with kids may not want it).

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