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How Much Paint?

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EvianBaby | 09:17 Fri 22nd Mar 2013 | Home & Garden
41 Answers
Is there any sort of rule of thumb on how much paint you need based on the size of the wall?


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Very nice :-)
ok, buy the fluffy roller sleeves then not the sponge ones (sponge is for gloss), diy store own brand is good enough for the job but make sure you have a couple spare
Oh gawd, I knew a female would bring a minor technicality such as colour into it at sometime ;-)
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I like it but I'm scared it's going to be too much or look too purple once it's on.

I'll probably end up going over it with a different colour.

While you're all here, the top two paints in this link are the same colour but they look different to me on there? (that's the colour I want to use in the other room)
I waited until the question was answered first :-)
can't tell from that -do they do sample pots? finish will depend on what you're painting over
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Hang on, I can show you my samples :)

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The one top left is the one in the above link.

Gosh, this IS exciting isn't it ;)
As a rule of thumb, on a normal sized room you'll need 2 & half lts for the ceiling & 5lts for the walls. If you're buying a new roller stick it the washing machine with some old gets rid of the fluffy bits.
There's a lot of dust under that bed..tut, tut. LOL
^^sadly, that may be the best offer I get all day eb;)

need to scoot, but whatever they say about one coat cover is a big fib, you won't need as much for a second coat but get your calculator out again

exciting? I never wanted to know this much about firkin' paint, but life's funny like that
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Bed? What Bed?

Lol Humber, you don't need to make excuses. You can just tell me you're really bored of this now :)
ooops it's a table:-)
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I'm confused. Where's the dust?
It's a joke evian.....thud...
no, no, evian misunderstanding ;)

I meant the paint anorak knowledge I've aquired over the last ten years -

and if you really want to maintain the will to live, don't get me started on varnish
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Sorry Carrust, As you can tell today is not my most intelligent one.

Ahhh, I see Humbers. You can be as much of a paint anorak as you like. It's helping me! :)

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