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knowledge of plants!!!!

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louadams6 | 11:19 Wed 17th Aug 2005 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
i had a  Bromeliad Guzmania plant for my birthday which i have to say is lovely! but on the back of the label it says the flower will last a long time but will eventually lose colour and die. does this mean it will not grow back and then the plant may as well be thrown away? my knowldege of plants is very little im afraid! i will be eternally grateful to anyone who has any knowledge of this plant and how i should care for it correctly. thank you


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Guzmania flowers are usually wkite or yellow and very short lived.  What you are admiring are the bracts (modified leaves) on the flower spike which retain their colour for a long time.  This stem will eventually die back but fresh shoots will grow from the base.  The plant needs warmth, humidity and bright (but not direct) light.

If you google for guzmania care you will get more precise advice.  Here is a link to get you started.
Click for Guzmania care  

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thank you gen2. the flower on mine is red! but will take a look at the site you recommended, thanks again x

As I sid above, it is the bracts that are red, not the flowers.  The flowers will hardly be noticed as they are small and tucked down behind each bract.  The flowers only last a day or two.

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knowledge of plants!!!!

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