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When Are You Particular About Having Privacy At Home?

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kirstybeebee | 08:39 Sat 07th Oct 2017 | Home & Garden
80 Answers
Some of us like to have a lot of privacy at home, some are not so fussed about it, some don't seem bothered at all. When you're at home after dark and you have lights on, in which of the following situations would you close your living room curtains?: A. If you are in on your own B. If you are in with your partner/family C. If you have friends or other family visiting D. If you are hosting a girls/guys night in E. If you are hosting a party F. For all of the previous situations G. Never


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Ummm, yeah, I understand that ;)

OG, yep re nets. When I have my new windows in at end of month I'm chucking nets out and having blinds at every window (bungalow)

x x x
Blinds don't let so much light in. I get moaned at when I have a guest and I don't open the blinds and let the nets do their job. Apparently it's dim and depressing.
But Tilly G is never after dark?
Blimey OG, you've got blinds and nets?? Thought I was anti-social but you beat even me!

x x
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ummmm, until you get around to getting your new curtains fitted, if you find you need a quick fix for some privacy, you could just boil a kettle to steam the windows up for a bit!
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Baths, I have blinds and curtains. the curtains in the living room are a crisp white colour and they are slightly see through so when I host girls nights in which I do regularly, I close the blinds first then the curtains as well. I just like to be really private on the girls nights so I make sure that no one can see anything of what we get up to!
You sell Ann Summers, dontcha Kirsty?

x x
G : Never

If anyone looks in, I wave - they either wave back or look away all embarrassed - either is fine by me :)
Too many nosey people, that's the problem!!!
But your (ahem) 'loungewear' does invite attention, anne?
Blinds shut awaiting threatened arrest by cops soz they can scramble search worth full drama ;)
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Ha ha Baths, I don't actually sell Ann Summers but I know one or two who do! When I have the girls nights we mostly just eat, drink & chat, but later when we are a bit tipsy, we play charade type games and dance to some music, so it's the latter part I don't want anyone looking in at. Though I close the blinds and curtains at the start as soon as we are all in, just so that I don't forget when I've later got rather tipsy!
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OG, if I close my blinds during the day, it gives the room a rather dingy feel so I always have the blinds open in daytime to allow plenty of natural light in.
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sunny-dave, I've heard others say that they wave if they see anyone looking in. Some I've heard will wave back though most seem to just look away - they probably look embarrassed as they didn't expect that anyone would spot them looking in!
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There are certainly lots of nosey people Anne, I've noticed that!
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Jahulaye, if I lived where you do I would probably always have my room curtains open, it sounds quite appealing to be able to look out and take in the great city starry skies, sunsets, rainbows and large moons. Nothing like that where I am, just some nosey neighbors!
Sun goes down curtains get drawn.
// Always. People passing don't know if the house is occupied or not.//

o I want my neighbours to park outside my house,
and my neighbours want to as well ( makes hse look occ)

in daylight, the room isnt back-lit so they cant see in but I can see out ( twitch the imaginary muslin curtains) - and photography must be flashless...

at night I tend to draw the curtains as I might go around in knickers only ( well the house is warm and it IS my house)

Always close curtains once the sun goes down, especially in the autumn and winter and it keeps the house warmer too.

Unless we're on holiday when we leave them half and half.

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