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Quality Over Quantity?

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spathiphyllum | 10:18 Tue 09th Oct 2018 | Home & Garden
48 Answers
I will admit i'm a user of kitchen roll for many situations. One is when the wishing up bowl over flows when i put a large item in it and to save the cupboard and floor from soapy water.. Another could be a spilt drink or some muck on the vinyl floor.. Point is i think it's handy! but i use a lot..

Is quality more important over quantity when it comes to kitchen roll? I can spend £2 on eight rolls but i go through them in about 2 week or i could spend £2 on 2 - 3 rolls of "super absorbent large sheet" ?


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I just put them by the washing machine until they're dry and then in the washing basket. My washing machine is not in the kitchen though.
Ummmm yes greener.
The washing machine will get filled with clothes going plus all the dirty cloths. You will have to do extra loads, use more electricity to heat the water and add more pollutant laundry products into the environment. Special bought microfibre cloths use vast amounts of resources just to be made and are made from plastic based chemicals. Once beyond further use these cloths go into landfill where they take 100's or years to degrade.

Paper towels are made from natural sustainable products and can be composted, returning to the earth as a useful mulch/fertiliser in less than a year
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They should make kitchen roll and loo rolll out of hemp, very sustainable plant and very quick growing, or bamboo for that matter

Ummm my washing machine is in me kitchen and i canie be avin dirty cloths on the floor or worse, the kitchen side!
Don't agree. My cloths go in with a normal wash and that wash would be going on regardless of how many clothes I've put in.
Spath - I have a plant pot on the windowsill. If I use a cloth to wipe something from the floor I rinse it and put it in the pot so it's not reused.
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Ahh i seeeeee
I think Spath we may be at cross purposes, you started with a splash of soapy water from the washing up bowl and a spill of a bit of tea (ideal to use a cloth on)- now if you have a dirty or messier spillage (dollop of baked beans for example) them use kitchen roll.
Ummmm If you put two half loads of laundry in on two seperate days, just because you are topping up with dirty rags it's wasteful. Also who would want their clothes in the same washer as dirty floor cloths? YuK! Each to their own I suppose.
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Mamy, i certainly must agree. A drop of tea, some soapy water from the wash bowl dripping down the cupboard a microfiber cloth will do. However, i use the roll for worse spills also as you say like beans (with solids) or maybe some bolognese sauce. Maybe i need to start using a cloth as well as some kitchen roll for different instances of spillage
Jeez AuntyL....Do you have a twin tub or something? My washing machines cycle lasts over an hour and my cloths are not that dirty. Did you miss the bit 'rinse them out'?

I bet there are more germs on your bed clothes....
That's the idea Spath, the right tool for each job.
Ummmm , I have a fantastic washing machine ( what's a twin tub?) but would never put dirty cloths I'd mopped up with in with my clothes. You may have 'rinsed out' your dirty cloths, but unless you have poured boiling water over them they will start to smell.

If my bedclothes contain germs ( thanks for that its hilarious) they will contain the same germs that are in my underwear and other items, not germs and smell left over from dirty kitchen rags. These germ laden personal clothes and sheets ( again Ha Ha) will be all washed together in an environmentally friendly laundry product and put on the line to dry.
I understand though not everyone is willing or able to help the environment.
I use white stockinette. When I use it, I rinse it out then when I make my last cup of tea in the evening the cloths go in the sink and the remaining boiling water and a good squirt of bleach. Next morning I rinse them through with cold water wring them out and let them dry. I also do a wash with steam injection every few weeks and they all go in that wash. I use paper towels for small spills and similar. have horses, your clothes are probably dirtier than my cloths.
Rowanwitch. Yes That's how floorcloths should be cleaned. Every night my Gran did the same. They were always rags of cotton sheets or worn out clothes.
i just don't bother cleaning anything, easier that way
Yes . You seem obsessed with my laundry habits! I never mix work clothes with underwear or 'good' clothes. Do you just bung everything in? I was always told to seperate laundry, coloureds, lights, work clothes and towels/sheets .
I don't wash really dirty horse related items in our washer as they leave a lot of hairs in the machine. I have an old one in the garage for that.
Just let me know if you need any more info on laundering, but maybe start another thread as you've derailed this one a bit.
Seems to work and cost effective too. I use a fresh length for doing the workgroups then it gets relegated to General use. I also put my wet cloth s in the microwave after I have rinsed them now and again a few minutes on high power
like ummm I have hand towels & t cloths in kitchen, laundered in machine. Foam sponges for spillage. No kitchen rolls here
You’ve made me think spath, about what I use kitchen roll for. Mainly it’s as a napkin with a meal, sometimes for very minor spills on the worktop or floor.
My dishcloth goes into the washing machine when a whites wash goes on, or as suggested by Aggie and whatshername into the dishwasher when that goes on.
Floor cloths get put to soak in the bowl in the sink in the utility room, in bleach. Or binned.
I’m not bothered or much interested in what others do, our way suits us.

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