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Landline phone battery

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coccinelle | 13:27 Mon 09th Jan 2012 | How it Works
13 Answers
I've noticed over the past couple of weeks that my phone doesn't charge up further than the first bar and bleeps after a couple of minutes of a call. I suppose this means the battery needs changing. Where can you buy this sort of battery?


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Depends on the make and model of your phone.

Have you got any further details?
This sort of battery being? It could be one of a handful of different types or sizes.
Without knowing the type of battery I'm not sure.

We had a similar problem and the battery was replaceable. Got the news ones from B&Q.
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Phone is a Panasonic Model KX-TGA711EX
Lucky you - these are easy to get most places. They are rechargeable AAA NiMH with a capacity of at least 750mAh. I'd look for Energiser at any supermarket / Superdrug etc. You need just two.
Aldi (as ever) do pre-charged, ready to use rechargeable batteries for little money. I've used them in all three of our handsets and they've been great.
Sorry.... that should be capacity UP TO 750mAh. Still easy to get. Write down the details of the battery before you go!
I agree with douglas - Lidl also do these cheaply and good quality too.
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Will have a look next time I'm at the supermarket. Thought I might have to go to a phone shop or something.
" that should be capacity UP TO 750mAh."
There's no reason not to use the biggest capacity you can find.
The bigger the capacity, the longer time you have between charges.
rojash: whilst I agree with you, I was quoting directly from the Panasonic manual.
I would question the assertion that cheap batteries are just as good. They are not, so buy from Aldi if you recognise the brand but not if you don't. There are loads of Chinese manufacturers out there, some of whom are useless. Batteries originating from Japan should be fine.
buildersmate: some of the best-performing batteries (including Energiser) are made in China. And Lidl batteries have been fully tested and recommended by Which? recently.

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Landline phone battery

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