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Modern Day cinema

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texol | 21:12 Thu 05th Jan 2006 | How it Works
3 Answers
Is it right that in these days of digital recording, dvds and many other ways of storing media information, cinemas still use the old style film reels that have been in use for years. Why has there never been a switch or has there.


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There is slowly a switch over to digital but the change over costs are enormous is you consider how many cinema screens there are.
Also, frankly the quality of film is still superior to digital. The only current advantage is ease of use but if it aint broke why fix it.

Some films, like Star Wars Revenge of the Sith, have been made digitally.

It has even been shown digitally in many US cinemas. Here is a list:

Do we have any digital cinemas in the UK ?

Toy Story and other "digital" films were shown in that format in the Odeon (if it's still called that ) in Leicester Square London.

Also just read on IMDb that the conversion to digital has started in the US . They said it would probably be completed by 2008-9 . Worldwide would follow but take many years.

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Modern Day cinema

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