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job help pleeeeeeeeeeeease

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wtf?!? | 18:27 Mon 05th Sep 2005 | Jobs & Education
4 Answers


im 14 and need to know how to get into sales and marketing for my job. i want to get well paid so all answers will be helpfull. its my future here people!




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In order to get a good job and to be well paid you need to be ambitious and creative.  You also need to be resourceful so your first step should be research.  To research, you need to know what you are looking for.

Is there anything in particular you want to sell and market?  Is there a particular industry you wish to be involved?  Do you have what it takes to sell?  What do you know about market share and development marketing?

Why don't you type 'sales and marketing career' into google and see what comes up.  Failing that, at 14 you should still have free and full use of your school careeers facilities and staff.  Pay them a visit.

Please don't think me sarcastic as I' m trying to be constructive but it would help your chances if you could improve your spelling and grammar. (Helpful doesn't have 2 L's, and there is an apostrophe in "it's"

If you struggle with grammar, try reading "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" by Lynne Truss.

In Sales & Marketing you will be required to put professional presentations together and possibly help write copy for advertisements and other promotional material.   What kind of image will you be presenting for your company if you put out material which is grammatically incorrect?   Call me "old fashioned" perhaps but if you can't put a good CV together with correct grammar, you might not even get past the interview hurdle for a Sales & Marketing job. .  Sounds hard I know, but with so much competition around, it's a fact of life. Don't be discouraged.  Work at things and try and get some work experience with a Sales & Marketing department to help you understand exactly what is involved.  It's a highly competitive environment as companies are under constant pressue from their shareholders to produce ever higher sales figures.  Only the good people survive. 

You have got to learn how to punctuate and spell properly. I'm not old fashioned, I am 22, but it irritates the hell out of me when people can't spell properly. This is usually because of laziness rather than inability.
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Well to be honest i only typed like that because i had to get off of the computer. But asides from that thank's alot for the contributions and no im not Dyslexic for anyone that thinks so (Wendys) lol no offence. It also helps to know what you are talking about before you talk about it an old saying "Think before you jump". but it isn't a matter of great concern im just letting some steam off, Thanks for the ideas and keep them coming!

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