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What Would Be Your Ideal Job?

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bainbrig | 20:45 Thu 28th Jun 2018 | Jobs & Education
61 Answers
Just for one day, what would be your ideal job?

Mine would be a cat stroker.



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So sorry, missed the one day thing. Was wallowing!
So.......... red arrows pilot....
What Would Be Your Ideal Job?

Bed tester.
I would be a surgeon - I regret the fact that my squeamishness prevented me from studying medicine even though it was what I wanted to do and I got the grades :-(
Or this not only for one day though.
Ooo Tony!!! Alone???
-SharonA- Ooo Tony!!! Alone???

LOL, noooooo. The mattress wouldn't get a proper testing would it ;-)
Might have known you wouldn't be kipping!!
Yes. Test pilot ........ In a mattress factory!
Breast Weigher for prospective job applicant waitresses at Hooters.
Bainbrig - if you're serious about cat stroking have you ever thought of pet sitting?

You would live in other people's houses whilst they were on holiday to look after their pets so could stroke their cats all day!
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Reverting to Woofgang’s complaint for a moment - Firefighters I’ll agree should be up there with nurses etc in the top four or five necessary jobs.

But Speech Therapists?

I don’t think there were calls for Speech Therapists at the Manchester Arena or Grenfell Tower.
AB editor, maybe.....
Wine and seafood taster in a water bungalow in Bora Bora. Jobs like that shouldn't be rushed I hasten to add - I really should put my heart and soul into it for a good few weeks at least.
A ‘real’ job? Ah, that’s a question. Barring nurses, doctors, and food growers, how many of us do ‘real’ jobs?

Quality control in the TD distillery.
just for a day? donald trumps barber
For one day...England's striker in the world cup final.
Talbot. Armed forces, emergency services, HGV drivers, Shop assistants, Teachers and lecturers, Engineers, RSPCA personnel, miners, to name but a few.
A dog and cat warden. Slam'em in, lock 'em up!
agree with Rowan..AB Editor for a day would be fun ;0)

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