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Dog Custody

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D0glady | 13:54 Mon 23rd Apr 2007 | Civil
10 Answers
What can I do if the courts have decided that my ex is the rightful owner and the dog has to be returned?


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Firstly if he is the rightful owner give him his dog back!!!

If you are the rightful owner, prove it!!

If there is no proof either way, I think possession is 9/10ths of the law and you would probably win.

or I could just be talking out of my butt!!
get another opinion on it , cant u see the dogs at weekends or come to a agreement ?
I love it redhead!!!!

Sorry your honour, I want a second opinion!!!

That should work!! lol
If the court has decided, you must return the dog. Unless, as RATTER says, you have proof that you are the owner?
Question Author
I am registered as the dog's owner on Vets Records, Vaccination Record and Microchip certificate. All he has is the bit of paper from the Dogs Home. The dog was always intended to be a companion to my existing dog (that was brought with me into the relationship) and therefore at best you could argue the dog was joint.
lol ratter no i mean could dog lady not get more proffesional advice ow i dont know i am a fool x
If you are registered as the dog owner with the vets and on the micro chip and you are currently in possession of the dog, I would say are holding the winning hand

Good Luck!!
I agree with RATTER again :o)
Pippa, you really are a most agreeable person:)
Aww thanks :o)

Or maybe I'm just boring, predictable and unimaginative!

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Dog Custody

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