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will i go jail :'(

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GingeGJ | 22:04 Tue 13th Dec 2011 | Law
21 Answers
Could someone please help?... im 17 and never been in trouble before but im in magistrates court before Christmas for kicking somebody in the face for not a very good reason at all!! ive been done with section 20 GBH without intent! I'm not a fighter and i deadly regret doing it i just flipped i have been guilty from the start and i have references from school as i were head boy, From my boss at work, from the charity shop as i have done work for them!.... i dont really know what to expect could someone please give me advise??


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That's the old document, Jack.

Here's the new one:
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Surely you have a solicitor you could ask?
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OK jake, you are right

I quote the Ed's directive written above:
Please also refrain from being rude, abusive or judgemental - users come here for advice, not judgement.
This is a wind up.

New member, posted this 3 minutes after joining.
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Just come back, so not sure what happened.
Sorry if you took my "lump of coal" comment in the wrong way. I was only having a giggle, and lightening the mood... though probably not the best time for you.
As I said, I would strongly suggest speaking to your solicitor regarding this. They'd be the best ones who could advise you. Failing that, there's a very helpful lady on here, Barmaid, who may be able to help you out.

Good luck! :-)
Get a lawyer, GingeGJ.

I can't believe you have been a Head Boy of a school, as I would expect somebody in that position to have a reasonable level of English comprehension and grammar.

Not perfect, but reasonable, is all we are asking. It does matter in how you present your case, so if you have been negligent here, ok, but please ensure that any statements to the court or you legal team are well constructed and coherent.

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will i go jail :'(

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