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Tv Licensing - Crb / Dbs Checked?

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Iggle Piggle | 00:28 Tue 05th Jan 2016 | Law
49 Answers
I was wondering if anyone knows whether BBC licensing goons / Capita employees have to be CRB/DBS checked? If they come knocking on my door, I don't know who they are, and there are televisions in my children's rooms.
What power do I have to refuse them entry to certain parts of my house?
There is Article 8 of The Human Rights Act - Right to respect for private and family life.
Just wondering...
Thanks guys.


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"I am actually looking forward to a visit so I can make them look stupid" Likewise. My Mum died at the end of March last year and I told the TV licensing people about that. Her house has been empty since then and I have just obtained probate so the place will be empty for a little while longer. Last summer I regularly found letters from the TV licensing addressed to "The Occupier" stating that there was no record of there being a TV license at that address. Over the summer and into the autumn the letters became more threatening. There was a promise to visit the property. Needless to say, there would have been no reply. Eventually, a letter arrived which was threatening court action. I phoned the number on the letter and said that if the TV licensing people do not stop harassing me (a bereaved person) I will sue Mr Steve *****Area Officer. I have heard nothing since then but I almost wish I would because I would love to take them on. I can afford to and would relish the prospect.
But you checked the manual on the expensive Panasonic.... ;-)...x
The two cases are different - you are right in being insulted by their incompetence, 237SJ - Mr Piggle is just a lieing fraud.
"I am actually looking forward to a visit so I can make them look stupid." If your TV equipment is capable of receiving then you pay, regardless of whether it is even plugged in and wired up. You watch TV there is evidence of it all over AB, you listen to radio, you use the BBC every day without even realising it. Would you rather pay the fine of £1000?
Hello TTT - another point on which we agree ☺

[ PS for the spelling police - sorry - I should have spelt "lying" properly ]

You won't be thinking a fiver a month here then, iggle piggle?
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Sadly, this ignorance of the law is costing members of the public money everyday.
You simply do not require a TV licence just for having a television.
If that television has no aerial plugged in and it cannot receive live TV broadcasts then you do not need a licence.
I only wish this fact alone would be broadcast !
well let us know how the visit goes.
I just wish I had your name so that your admitted use of live broadcasts on your own set could be disseminated appropriately ....

Oh come on now, Iggle......throw in the towel.....a quick look at your profile suggests you should have a licence......

Saying you never watch live TV is like me telling folk I don't flirt......and then someone directing them to CB....... ;-)
How can Iggle Piggle possibly watch tele when he has put a strip of tape over the antenna socket?
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Jeez, it's like your all BBC lackeys. I'm off to bed!

"sue me" :-)
I used Blu-Tack , fooled them completely.
Night Iggle Piggle.
I see that even a mud wrestling pig gives up when it finds the opponent has a firm grip on its ... argument.
Iggle....if you disagree so strongly about the licence then campaign for a different way of funding.

Night now.....sleep well......x
Just realised....though I know you're in bed, Iggle.....I've watched four TV programmes today.....all four were excellent offerings from the BBC...okay one was a repeat but they can repeat Mrs Brown til the world ends......well worth the licence fee........☺
Get rid of the TV sets and use computer monitors instead.

Do you need a licience to stream to from the Internet?
Q: What if I only use a TV to watch videos, DVDs or only use it as a monitor for my games console? Do I still need a TV Licence?
A: No -

Q: Do I need a TV Licence to listen to the radio?
A: No -

Q: Do I need a licence if I haven't got a TV and I watch telly on my laptop?
Yes if it's live TV; No if it's after the broadcast -

Q: Will I need a TV Licence to watch programmes on BBC iPlayer?
Yes if it's live TV; No if it's after the broadcast -

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