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Is It Car Theft

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Pattyrgn | 07:38 Fri 04th Aug 2017 | Law
67 Answers
I have a car on finance my ex has taken without my knowledge, all the documents are in my name, is this theft or a civil matter


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Patty, I think it may well be time to seek a solicitor's advice, but first I would ask the police why they did not take any action.It may well be that he convinced them that he thought he would have your permission.
08:41 Fri 04th Aug 2017
It's still her car though. She needs to seek legal advice.
The first step is to take him off the insurance , 2 reasons for this, one it means you will not get a claims history for an accident he has and two, he can no longer drive the car. As I just said, if you are the registered keeper he needs your permission to get insurance on it or drive it on another policy. Then report him for driving without insurance , the police will seize the car and you can reclaim it by producing your documents and insurance.
Eddie, he doesn't need her permission to get insurance. He needs her permission to drive the car. As I said, I'm insured to drive any car, but I can't drive a car that doesn't belong to me without the owners' permission.
I can't understand why the police did not take any action regarding thr TWOC.
"the police will seize the car"

Yeah...if they can be bothered.
For any offence of theft there must be an intention to permanently deprive the owner of his/her property.
We don't know that's not his intention.

Even so...he has no right to have the car.

If it was his intention, and that can be proved, then it is indeed theft.
I really think she needs to take legal advice. If finance is a problem, perhaps a visit to a solicitor at the Citizens Advice Bureau might be a first step.
Or maybe contact the finance company for advise.
Naomi, before that I would go back to the police and ask why they have not taken any action regarding the TWOC offence.
// Sorry I think I misunderstood, you mean you have the car and your ex has taken it, that is theft !//

so have I - if she has the car - then the ex cant have taken it!

two things - theft under the theft act 1968 (as amended alot) - if the car is financed then you have to decide whether you have it, the finance company has it, or you have a bit each
conditions 1 and 3 - theft report it
oh and add in " by taking it there is an obvious intention permanently to deprive"

TWOC - taking without consent - dont now an awful lot about that - try it and see

both are police matters

and yes you have a civil claim as well
one doesnt displace the other

if the police try saying - civil matter
try back - I know that - but I am here about Theft and twocking .....
danny, since he's a named driver on her insurance, perhaps the police don't consider that he's taken the car without her consent, but it does no harm to ask.
//We don't know that's not his intention.
Even so...he has no right to have the car.//

jesus the usual suspects are out in force !
double negatives must really convince you we know what we are talking about

I dont see that you need legal advice ( visit to solicitor for which you PAAAAAY !) in order to decide whether to hike down to a police station to report a theft

but that is down here as well !

clearly the decision is yours .....

Naomi, having his name on the insurance is irrelevant, he still needs her permission anytime he wants to use the vehicle.
danny, I know, but the break up in the relationship has moved the goalposts. It's a difficult situation. As her partner I doubt she would have been expected him to ask permission every time he wanted to drive the car. She needs proper advice.
Peter...what are you yabbing on about?
She could try Relate rather than go to the expense of consulting a solicitor.
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Sorry to mislead you but it was without my permission as well as my knowledge x

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