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18 Year Olds Tried To Take From Boots, Got Caught And No Police Involved - Whats The Next Steps?

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Anonymous1 | 14:22 Sun 16th Jan 2022 | Law
49 Answers
Me and my friend are 18 years old and we stupidly tried to take some things from Boots like makeup and probiotic but we took the wrapper off which makes it look suspicious. As we left the store we got caught by the security guard and dragged into the store. He took pictures of us, the items and our provisional driving licenses. He didn’t say much at all to us and seemed very *** off. Then he told us to leave without calling the police but will the police be informed about it now?

We fully regret our decisions and are willing to pay for our consequences. However we are unsure of what these consequences will be. From what we have read online, we think that we will be sent a letter home for us to pay a fine but who will send this letter? Will it be the police or Boots? Also, what will the envelope look like because we don’t want our parents finding and opening it. What are the next steps?

If anyone could help us with these details, we would be grateful.


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That could of been to put the frighteniners up you , chances are he’ll delete them anyway,I’ve never heard of this happening but you will be on their security system saying as you were caught
Doubt they can get details from DVLC....or is address on the license..?
Did they not ask for your address?
I don't think you will ever try it again & you will remember this for the rest of your life. You won't hear any further I'm sure, so a good lesson learnt.
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They did not ask for our address, but are Boots able to obtain this information through our drivers license?
Very unlikely , once again, the photos aren’t any good to the company on a security guards phone
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Also, can the police be involved after we have left?
I shouldn’t think so , were you apprehended instore or did they wait till you were outside?
When I worked for Boots the general procedure was to apprehend as soon as they stepped outside the shop, it may have changed by now though
I would think so, the Security Dept. has evidence. I think you may be fortunate, however, as other have said. Regard it as a warning to keep your noses very, very clean in future. You've been given a sign of what could happen.
You won’t hear anything more about it but best never to do it again or return to that store. Legally you would have been told of a fine so there won’t be one and the police were not called and won’t be.
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It happened as soon as we exited the store
The security guards phone pictures will be put on the security computer for future reference/evidence, and to spot you should you come into the shopping mall again.
Anon...don't worry, you almost certainly will hear nothing further.

You are lucky that you are living in the present generation where minor theft is a way of life unlike the previous two generations where this would be looked upon as shoplifting, pilfering or" scrumping" and looked upon and treated as a crime.

This years theft loses to any businesses are reflected in next years pricing policy ( for every shopper) so when you do go to Boots to buy something next year, whatever Boots you choose to go to you will in a way be paying for your crime today.
Stores lose millions (billions?) a year to casual & organised shoplifting. They aren't going to waste time on a couple of first time offenders who got caught. Do what uni students should do - get *** & party!
Anon, I’ve never heard of a security guard taking photos however it could well be that the phones they use now are the property of Boots and that’s how they work now
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Does Boots only keep CCTV for 31 days?
To answer a few of your questions.

No, DVLC will not release your details to Boots.

No, you will not hear from the police after the event.

Your names and photos will almost certainly have been kept for a limited time in case you reoffend in the same store or mall. CCTV is usually kept for 30 days.

Stay away from Boots for a while, and be honest from now on. hopefully you have learned from this however tempting it is.

Comes from someone who was 18 once and still can’t resist getting something past the scanner at the self service till!! But do as I say and not what I do!
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Most of the answers here say that we wont be receiving a letter, however the security at Boots have a picture of our ID which has our address on it. Although they needed that to identify us, would they not send us a letter regarding a ban to our home?
Did they tell you you’re banned?

If not, you’re not and will hear no more.

Did they take the objects back? - in that case it would be attempted theft. ( altho you intended to permanently deprive, you didnt)

The security guard cant ban you ( too junior) so it has to go thro the shops procedure - and I thought they wrote saying - you cant do near XYZ... but I dont know as I dont know anyone who has done this ( unlike beating someone to death with a spade etc)

Surprisingly I am more concerned about taking ident and copying it. But what is done is done

The next steps are wait and see ( it almost always is on this thread and that is because you cant control anything or vary it - any intervention is likely 'to make it worse')

You should also keep quieter - as far as I can see your univ can chuck you out if these facts are admitted ( dishonesty)

oh, in your spare time, write two sides of A4 reflecting on what you have done, how stupid it was, and how you never never...etc - it may well come in useful later on

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