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getting back property from someone

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Jules001 | 14:56 Thu 16th Nov 2006 | Law
6 Answers
Someone has something that belongs to me which I want back, she is ignoring all contact by me. How can I get it back? It is of no monetary value - I have given her a deadline to contact me to sort this out which is up tomorrow, if she ignores this, what further steps can I take? Any advice appreciated


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You could try reporting the theft to thepolice taking with you the letters etc. They might say its a civil matter where you could then get a solicitor to write a letter ? If she keeps it outside the house - just go and take it - I would. Difficult to say if there's no monetry value is it the principle of the matter or sentimental value - camn you proove ownership - these are all thing you need to sort out before you go and see anyone. Further info might help in giving a better answer ?
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It is artwork that she has got, basically we were both involved in an internet artwork swap. She was sent artwork by 3 or 4 people including me which she has been holding on to and ignoring any contact or attempts to get this work back. She lives in a different part of the country to me so it's not just a case of turning up on her doorstep. She did enter into a sort of contract by agreeing to take part in the swap, but I just don't know how to enforce this, she has been incommunicado since April, so I feel that if she had problems this has given her long enough to deal with them and I have given her a way out if she was too embarassed to come back to the group, she is able to send direct to me and I would distribute to the other members. I feel like I want to name and shame her locally, I know she is a volunteer in a group in her town so felt like writing to them or her local newspaper, but don't know if I would then be in the wrong.
There may be a reasonable explanation and I think a solicitors letter might push it in the right direction, personally delivered - or sent recorded delivery to prove she received it. Does she definitely still live at the address ?
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thanks as I used to work for a Solicitor, he may do me a freebie letter to put the wind up her.
Same here from my experience - it usually works - I think it's a good idea - I'd advise you to if you came to me. Mention words like "stole", "report","police" "criminal record" and often people will respond !!
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wow I got a result. I got a big parcel from her with far more stuff in it than I realised she was holding on to. I had the draft letter threatening to report the matter to the Police all typed up as well.

Thanks for your assistance almcd007.

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getting back property from someone

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