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chicken farm

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CHRISKI | 22:29 Mon 13th Aug 2007 | Law
2 Answers
if i buy a disused chicken farm which does not have a residence on it, can i put a mobile home on it and turn it into my own small holding.
what are the legal loop holes which will assist me in ensuring that i can remain on the site for as long as i wish.


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well if it is your main residence you will have to register for rates : (council tax)
"(3) Subsection (1) above does not apply in the case of a pitch occupied by a caravan, but if in such a case the caravan is the sole or main residence of an individual, the pitch and the caravan, together with any garden, yard, outhouse or other appurtenance belonging to or enjoyed with them, are domestic property".
You find the Development Control department of the Local Authority investigating.
If you are claiming the need for a permanent agricultural dwelling, you will have to show a business plan for what you are doing. You may be able to obtain temporary planning permission for a caravan, but that's all it will be - temporary for a max of two years.

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