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accused of fraud

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mummyjane | 17:55 Sat 25th Jul 2009 | Law
104 Answers
i have been accused of fraud, i have an interview on tuesday, i received an inheritance when my father died ayear ago and am on benefits, i didnt realise to declare it , i have no money left, to repay it i am devestated and obviously stupid please help, what can i expect for being an idiot


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i dont know how much its worth now, but i will sell it if i have too. to think i brought it straight out because i didnt want to get it on mobility, ironic isnt it
if you didnt actually know you had to declare it then why are you being sued for fraud?
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i suppose if i had known, it would be classed as fraud . i will be totally honest on tuesday and hope they can see that i am. but i know its probably odd, but i dont lie and never have,
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god knows how people who knowingly comit fraud, live with themselves, i am worried sick and wont sleep till its dealt with
Anyone who claims benefit KNOWS that they have to declare any extra income,it is clearly stated on all forms you have to fill in.There is no excuse for not knowing!
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i do NOW
i hope they lock you up for a very long did not know that you should declare 93k bull sh@@.
you have been sitting on your fat ass for 30 years you know the system inside you have had all the fat sucked out of you try getting fit walk every were sell your car and get a job low life!
guy... don't sugar coat it!
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i would if i could i would swap my disability instantly if able. you be in 47 years of constant pain and say you wouldnt like to be fit and well
well if shes that thick someone has to put her right she knew what she was doing and was hoping to get away with it like the rest of the losers do but they always get done!
why whats wrong with you?

my father has arthritis and he still worked took so many tablets he would shake but he just got on with it mind he was not fat so dont come with the bull your in so much pain you can not work you can run around after 4 kids and drive tho?
shouldnt a question be asked regarding levels of 'thickness'?
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i had perthes disease in my hips had them replaced, got arthritus every where also take so many tablets lke your relative, you know the many side effects, my husband drives now, and i am not fat anymore just stupid, i cant even cuddle my own grandchildren because of the pain, i only came on here for some advice, being genuine, i dont need insults
you probably are aware of other things that other people aren't as is life
If this is not a wind up , then I have to believe what you write.

You have been incredibly stupid for whatever reasons and the money is now spent.

I think you will be prosecuted definitely , but I don't think you will be sent to prison.

You will I think get a suspended sentence and be charged to repay the benefit money claimed , this will be calculated according to your present means.

Any assets you have will be required to be sold to go towards clearing the debt.

I find it very hard to believe that you were unaware of not having to declare your inheritance, but if you say that you didn't know then for me that is it.

I am not in a position to be judgemental about what you have done, but you are going to have to face this and live with the consequences.

mummyjane, you will have a taped Interview Under Caution and may wish to get some legal advice. your overpayment will consist of all Income Support, Housing Benefit and Council Tax benefits thatyou have received since you had this capital.

every year when your benefit goes up you are sent a leaflet that reminds you of what you need to declare. if you chose not to read it, that's your choice.

I would be very surprised if you're not prosecuted by the DWP and your Local Authority.
-- answer removed --
Hang on


So your house has been sold - and you still cant find the 93k ???

they won't jail you, just deduct an amount from your benefits. if your benefits are 300 pw then they'll probably deduct 220 pw
she has already said that herself in the initial post and according to her that is her truth so really judgements aside how can it be proven that she was aware of something of which she maintains her innocence?

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