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Roger Allam In Henry Iv Part 1

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bibblebub | 15:15 Sat 27th Jul 2013 | Film, Media & TV
13 Answers
On Sky Arts 2 at this moment - what a wonderful performance by an excellent actor.


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Couldn't agree more - he is superb. I'm also enjoying Jamie Parker's Prince Hal.
15:34 Sat 27th Jul 2013
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(He's playing Falstaff, not the title role)
Is he playing Falstaff?
Posts crossed there ^. I thought he'd be a bit too old to play the prince
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crossed postings - yes, must be a fun role to play
Couldn't agree more - he is superb. I'm also enjoying Jamie Parker's Prince Hal.
he was marvellous in Les Miserables the show, played Javert in the original production at the Barbican.
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Well, that was an enjoyable show but that dance ending was rubbish
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Part 2 has just started
bibblebub - re your remark about the dance - my daughter has appeared in several plays at The Globe and for some reason they always end with a dance, whether it is appropriate or not.
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Here is the dance ending in this particular production and it just seemed out of place at time of viewing.

The play just says exeunt at the end so I wonder when this tradition (if that is what it is) of a jiggy ending started - a quick search didn't come up with anything.
Bardolph's neb as red as ever, I see.
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seems perfectly normal to me now that, in what seems no time at all, mine has turned into an old bloke's conk
Too much sac?

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