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Strictly..who Will Go Tonight?

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ethandron | 19:18 Sat 08th Nov 2014 | Film, Media & TV
39 Answers
I reckon it'll be Alison or Simon.


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Oh dear. I meant 'psychic' I must really check what I write before I press submit. Fingers running ahead of brain there I think.
Some very interesting and enjoyable opinions here.
I wish it could be Tess Daly !
I love Tess and thought she looked gorgeous last night.
Me too Jan. Truly awful and the harder she tries the worse she gets.
By the rules of competition, the worst should go...which IMO is Judy. But the great british public will do anything to reverse popular opinion IMO so it may well not be her yet she is totally awful and no dance ability a all, again in my opinion!
I agree and it's sad to think Alison so wanted to stay and was trying hard and really enjoying herself. Judy is not passionate about it like Alison was.
Glad Alison went.
Me too chaptazbru - although she said that she would be there come what may! Hope they save two seats for her. ( and before anyone starts muttering I am a large lady myself but I just got annoyed at the way the judges pandered to her) at the end of the day aliaz 'carried her' poor chap.
He went from the sublime to the ridiculous didn't he?? Last year he had the slimline Abby and then this year Alison who would make about six Abby's! I love Alijaz .....
Why are Judy and Anton being allowed to get away with all the illegal lifts they do? She gets away with about a third of her dance time, being twirled around.
Me too - he certainly got the jumbo edition this year! Think I'd better stop now before I get slaughtered.
Lol Margo. I agree chrissa, it's weird isn't it? However she has grown on me as I feel she can take a rise out of herself and knows she's not a good dancer. I think she'll go very soon.
I agree, chaps, but quite good dancers are leaving now and old wooden legs, is still there. That's Strictly, I guess.
Chrissa - they get marked down for it every week. It's up to the public to vote them off. I don't think anton cares what the judges think, he knows that he is on a loser with Judy and is just out to enjoy it. Makes a change for him to get somebody he can actually lift! They will be out next week anyway I reckon
I know, it's annoying. Mum and I call her the plank, she's VERY stiff ! (Poor Judy)!
alison had rhythm and was very likeable, judy should have gone week 1 but i expect all the scots are voting for her.
I think ALL of Scotland are voting for her !
ooops crossed post !

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