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Strictly Eviction - Spoiler

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hc4361 | 23:30 Sat 13th Dec 2014 | Film, Media & TV
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OK as long as you're happy grumpy:-)
Always happy that's me.
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I don't mind who wins, as long as it's not Caroline.
lardhelmet - I'm glad it's not just me .. there's something about Caroline that's really irritating.
It's odd isn't it Ouzel as she's done nothing to make me dislike her (apart from previously being shown how to dance by Strictly professionals when she completed in Dancing on Wheels but insists "that was different").
Oh, I didn't know about the Dancing on Wheels. For me, it might have something to do with her sulky reaction if the judges pick up on a small fault.
I'm with you there HC!
My friend and i have been staying the same thing about Caroline lardhelmt and
Could it be that she just lacks personality?
Was it just me, or did Claudia's roast beef piece at half time fall completely flat ?
hc, how do you get to know the result early? I'm just curious:-)
Definitely will be Caroline to win, you can see see she is Len's favourite, he positively drools over her.
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Oh no not Jake !!! He never regained his early success unfortunately so I suppose it was inevitable. Simon for me now, or Caroline. Can't believe it's nearly over.
Horseshoes, as hc hasn't answered, you can find out on Digital Spy on the Strictly Spoiler thread. It comes through from about 10.15pm onwards on Saturday evening but don't take notice of anyone except abilgailsmum, the rest are trolls.
I hope Caroline doesn't win, she sulks like a little girl when the judges pick up on bad points and then beams when she gets a compliment, certainly can't take any criticism. Simon for me.
Just seen the dance off,how did slimy Len come to that conclusion.I can't stand her voice but darcey Bussell and Bruno got that right.
Because Len has always favoured Mark.
Jake should DEFINITELY have got through after that dance off, he was brilliant. Bloody Len !!!
Your right Chaptazbru,don't think dancing has much to do with who wins.

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