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Star Trek: Picard

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Gromit | 12:54 Mon 22nd Jul 2019 | Film, Media & TV
24 Answers

Can’t wait for this...



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Gromit... The Reboot Film series, film 4 is currently on hold

Only on hold that is good to know... having lost Anton and Leonard even though a bit part actor in them. I think Zachery Quinto and Chris Pine are brilliant as Spock and Kirk... not forgetting Carl Urban as McCoy.

I really like the reboot trilogy (Thus far) with our very own Simon Pegg (Scotty) co writing the last one.
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ST 4 has apparently has had a lot of problems. It may be that ST 5 which Quentin Tarantino is making might get made first.
Jean Luc Picard for Prime Minister
Gromit, that sounds great to read... with Tarantino's 5th coming before no.4 It does Stay in theme with the films (TimeSpace and messing with it) ... but also Tarantino's style.

I honestly believed that It had being shelved for good.

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Star Trek: Picard

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