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Spicerack | 22:26 Sat 21st Sep 2019 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
They should have wrapped it up last week, imo. Stretched the ending out too far.


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It was good but I was a little disappointed in the end. Probably me always looking for twists though.
19:39 Sun 22nd Sep 2019
I felt totally opposite to you, spicerack. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series and felt it all came together very well at the end. It is amazing how people’s opinions differ, isn’t it.
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It is, indeed.
Is this the subtitled one?
Yes, it’s in Danish with English subtitles.
I tried to watch it but I struggle with subtitles.
What is it?
Danish detective drama on BBC4. Last 2 episodes were shown tonight. Quite happy with the end result. Quite enjoy tese sub-titled offerings on Beeb 4.
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Scandi detective drama.(BBC4@9pm) It was very good until tonight.
It was good but I was a little disappointed in the end. Probably me always looking for twists though.

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