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I'm A Celeb Lineup

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spathiphyllum | 17:27 Mon 11th Nov 2019 | Film, Media & TV
49 Answers
It seems that this years show is in fact going to be called.. "I'm not that much of a celebrity but still got some cash, can you get me out of here?".

The only face I can match to a name is Caitlyn Jenner.

I recognise some other faces but no clue on their names.


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Well timgymlad, if Caitlin is an inspiration you have set your sights pretty low.
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Ah yes arks, Ian Wright I remember him now!
At least I have got one, just like Caitlyn,lol.
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looking forward to seeing kirk from corrie and the eye candy james Haskell (former England rugby player )
Just women will do, spath - and you're right about the last bit.
Don't think I shall watch, past it's sell by now.
//if Caitlin is an inspiration you have set your sights pretty low. //

Really, Jenner was a very successful athlete, why is that not inspiring?
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Caitly Jenner.. A mens Olymipic gold medallist.. A worthy idol.
Actually Sparkles, Ms Jenner, I believe, is post-op so she doesnt have one.

Just like you.
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Caitly Jenner.. A mens Olymipic gold medallist.. A worthy idol.

16:51 Mon 11th Nov 2019

I thought you acknowledged Caitlyn as a she ?
Nope, mozz, just checked, still there,lol.
Off now before this gets out of hand.
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I don't like to get too involved.. I certainly don't like to force my point especially when it's insensitive.

When Caitlyn Won, she was in a mens event, so she won the mens event. This was pre-transition, so at the time of the event, she was an did identify as a man.
She's still a man. - answer removed - !!!
I might watch, just to see if one of those cheeky chappies slips in a wee 'G'day Bruce'.
Caitlyn inspired me with her strength and courage and her message to all of us that if we are courageous we can be who we really are. She is a beautiful woman but what is most beautiful about her is her heart and her soul. I hope she wins I'm a Celeb she deserves it.
I know of most of them. Unlike Tim who appears to know Caitlyn Jenner personally.
What a stupid statement, Tim. Why does CJ deserve to win 'I'm a celeb'?? Have you watched it already? Jenner just may prove to be the worst contestant ever.

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