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Hollyoaks: No Going Back

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Mr D Black | 00:31 Thu 08th Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
That Andy makes me sick, i hope he gets killed off. Its good that Hollyoaks is making millions more aware of the issue of GHB spiking.


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me too i hate him so much, last night when he went off with nicole i really felt scared for her. i think he should be locked up and have his willy cut off along with anyone else thats doing that.
personally i think a fitting punishment would be to give him a GHB pill and send him off to a gay bar!
Good on them for covering this issue though, as it's extremley sensetive thing to try and cover. They've done an excellent job.
Thanks and the question is?
light of truth has got it spot on. but is he dead? i thought he was following sam in a hoody 1 day after he almost died. hope he dies

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Hollyoaks: No Going Back

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