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bonnie or glyn

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stylinsam | 13:06 Fri 26th May 2006 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers

who do u think will go tonight ?

i think bonnie will

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i think bonnie will go. i dont really want either of them to go though, i think its too early, we haven't really seen them being themselves yet.

I like Glyn though.

I think Bonnie will. I dont want her too at all and my vote would be glynn to go. He is so boring at least Bonnies little rants keep you entertained. I wonder how the hell Glynn even got in the house. I loved it when Bonnie said sarcastically 'enjoy the group' :-)

I don't mind which one goes. Think Bonnuh is probably slightly more interesting of the two (and doesn't she look happier now she's got her case). Glyn's just a wee tad dull for me, but he could liven up when he comes out of his shell a bit more - I love him and Pete doing their water babies routine in the pool.

Think Bonnuh will get evicted tonight.

I'd rathr Bonn-eh went coz shes boring and her audition was soo fake coz she aint as hyper and loud as she was!!

hard to choose sam, they are both so flipping dull! I wonder if in normal life they are the life and soul around their friends - could just show you how ott Nikki, Lisa etc must be in normal life then.

I think Bonnah will go unless she impresses me on tonight's show and then I'll vote Glyn to go

i think bonnuh's going to go, she can wear her pink hoody, i'm mean its pink and its got a hood

To be honest I cant understand either of them when they talk - but I think it will be Bonnie that goes!

I think Bonnie will go, though out of the two, i'd rather Glyn go. And whoever gave him the impression that he has a lovely body should have their pants set on fire for such lies! If only he'd cover up a bit...

Bonnie would be the one to stir arguments later down the line I think, whereas glyn is slightly more chilled. Bonnie doesnt like the thought of people not liking her or voting against her. She takes it too personal, and as the game goes one she will start the fights, so I say glyn should go, but in reality bonnie will leave tonight.

none should go as dawn was also up 4 eviction and she was booted out

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