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th tv of today

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chimpy | 21:36 Fri 16th Jan 2004 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
what does anyone else think of the quality of television today........i am sick of the rubbish that is all over our screens..............whatever happened to Play For Today and other programmes worth watching where we had to be awake, alive or an attention span of more than one minute.....its sad....and it sums our country you like the choice on our tv screens?


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The One thing I can't stand is the apparent overkill of Reality TV programmes. I mean, Pop idol and Fame academy are just a handful of decent Karaoke singers, and what about I'm a celebrity.......,How many real celebrities were really on this?
I agree that quality television is harder to find than ever these days. The problem is 'reality TV' - surely an oxymoron if ever there was one - is massively popular, and cheap as chips to produce, a programme maker's dream. One of the difficulties is, everyone seems to think that 'ordinary' people make great television, and they do, for a section of the audience. For everyone else, it's a giant bore - but since we are a minority, we will have to wait for the pendulum to swing back agin - if it ever does!
I couldn't agree more. We're seriously considering getting rid of the TV and just listening to music and the radio (and reading books of course!).
Yep, I'm sick to death of all these reality things, i'm a celebrity... celebrity boot camp, the salon, pop idol, fat club, celebrity fat club, shattered, big brother, celebrity big brother... the list goes on. In fact, I'm so fed up I'm not even going to put capitals at the start of the titles... so there.
While there is a lot of cr*p on our screens: too many "reality shows" and soaps etc, there are some nuggets of goodness. I know it depends on taste, but recent shows I have enjoy/enjoyed include CSI (original flavour), Monk (buried away by the BBC mid-afternoon Saturdays), Miracles (launched without fanfare on Living Monday nights), Farscape, John Doe, Firefly and 24. Whilst there are many old shows that we all tend to look upon with fond memories, I wonder if (say) the "Logan's Run" TV show is even 1/2 as good as one of today's lower-quality SF show. Unfortunately, most people prefer the rubbish, and so more of it gets made, while the decent shows get dropped (over 1/2 the shows I listed above have been axed).
I agree there are too many reality shows and they are getting more and more silly. In general its not too bad, there are a few quality gems like the office in there.
There is light at the end of the tunnel - the unbelievably wonderful 'NYPD Blue' returns next week, my fretting is over, and TV is suddenly a worthwile pursuit once more.

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