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poor old eileen!

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crisgal | 14:22 Tue 25th Jan 2011 | Film, Media & TV
30 Answers
i thought it was really good tonight. I wonder what owen willl do? I thought eileen's acting was brill. just shows you don't need to scream and shout and 'over'act in order to portray fear and worry.


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Doesn't Owen remind you of Charlie Stubbs, we could get Tracy to sort him out!!
Eileen isn't the only Corrie regular to appear in Dinnerladies. There was also Mavis and Sunita.
I thought Charlie Stubbs was very sexy. I don't think Owen is though!!
I could be wrong, so feel free to put me right, but when the bank cashier told Eileen that she could not stop the cheque, could she just have written a cheque for the full amount for Owen's account and it would have cleared just one day later that the cheque cleared into her account and then she could have said...sorry, my mistake, already put right.........
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thank Doc
Git outta my pub! Did you know that David Essex is joining Eastenders?
Sorry Neti, but even with David Essex I could never bring myself to watch East Enders!!
and i heard tracey is going to be working behind the bar at the rovers ...... grrrrrrrrrr
The cashier was quite rude to Eileen as well, it's none of her business whether Eileen was overdrawn, she could have talked to her and advised her,last time I went to the bank the cashier asked me would I be interested in having a loan!

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