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She's be caught out

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4getmenot | 13:52 Mon 09th Jul 2007 | Reality TV
9 Answers
Dont you think maybe Northern Line were going at the same time as allstars

Awww darren from hollyoaks so tiny in these

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Errr 4get?

"The url contained a malformed video id. " for all 3
hows this relevant to big brother?
Very likely! I can't believe the Big Brother people didn't think of this!
Because both Ziggy and whatserface were in bands (using term loosely there) at the same time. So 4get is wondering how/why they'd never heard of each other spaced.

Least I think that's what she means.
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Because the Oz girl was in allstars spaced
Maybe they kind of want them to find out because its part of their shopping task. They get a luxury budget if they figure out shes fake.
I just read apparently Allstars were around before Northern Line!
oh, ok! Sorry fault.

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She's be caught out

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