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Dragons Den

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grumpy01 | 23:37 Mon 26th Aug 2013 | TV
3 Answers
What is Piers Linney doing on there? Is he the new Doug Richard?


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Who's Doug Richard?
I am not sure what any of them are doing on the program, as they pass up over 90% of the opportunities to invest. Last Sunday they backed an expressly odd proposal, which the pitcher hadn't really explained in any great detail. The only conclusion that I can make is that they were able to appear on the telly, and say that they will contributing a percentage to charity.
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Tizzi. Doug Richard was an American in series 1 and maybe series 2 who invested in nothing as I remember and found fault with even the best business pitches.Piers Linney appears to be going in a similar way at least looking as if he isn't going to invest in anything.Surely,Mikey,if you had their sort of money you wouldn't invest in 90% of the businesses pitched in the den.I know I wouldn't.

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