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James Bondish

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swedeheart | 14:58 Wed 13th Jan 2010 | TV
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Trying to recall a television series from my childhood. This would have been in the late sixties or early seventies. Can't say if it was American or British and the only clue I've got for you is that every episode started with the hero listenig to his new assignment on a cassette tape which always ended with the words "this tape will self-destruct within thirty seconds" - something along those lines. Driving me crazy!

TIA (back tonight to say thanks to anyone who's been able to put me out of my misery, as it were:)


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Dear robi, <<<<neti grovels to the great and mighty>>>> Can you please tell me when EE and corrie are on again this week, many thanks!
Hi Neti took me a second or two to realise who Gordon was! :)
tut Lottie, I would have left her until her knees were raw...I've got different info here anyway
Neti note that Friday's says to be confirmed...

If they change it I'll let you know.....well, I might
Ha, ha, love the new aviator Robi, although initially I thought it was someone's fat tum and belly button!!
Blurred vision now is it?...oh dear, you're beyond help Lottie :o)
Snap Lottie, I thought it was a belly and button and piercings! Thanks for soap info!
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Afternoon biddies, now I'm singing Rocket Man too. I hear it sung live about ten times every summer practically underneath my window. The kids that live below always sing it all-together-now on their warm summer night parties with open windows:)

Is that A Clockwork Orange, Vinny? I tried to see the film but couldn't keep watching=:0 And Robi is that your son's footprints on the beach?

Oh yes the traffic cones! Didn't notice those! They're probably all soapy too. Thanks Woofy, one less animal for me to worry about:)) Woofy I hope you're about cos being the only Leonard fan on here except for me I believe, you're the only one probably who will laugh at this: Remember the Leonard Cohen documentary I mentioned a while back? A friend of mine, knowing how much I like him, asked had I seen it and I said yes and I went on to tell her about how he had been forced to start touring again a few years back "cos he was tricked out of his fortune", I said. "Oh yes that's right", my friend said, "his ex wife claimed a ridiculous amount of money on their divorce, he was talking about that on Skavlan (the talk show)". It was at this point I realised she was getting Leonard Cohen mixed up with John Cleese ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, isn't that hysterically funny!!! Leonard Cohen equals John Cleese ha ha ha ha! (Woofy? Are you laughing yet, Woofy?)

Jude I didn't take it personally, Sven is not mah homeboy. It was more of a genuine question actually:) I'm puzzled by the strong emotions that man inspires, be it love or hate.

Gordon's mates (be sure to click the link above the jade plant to see how tiny that one is!)
Yes kip it tis.To we have to know about your runny nose netti..?(I was just licking a mivi s?)oh okay, they do.Is that new aviator a sponge pudding with cream on the top or summink? ribenia.! that link lottie,is that what them people scoff everyday or are they telling us what we should eat..?I think someone should tell them to go to weight watchers.(if the webcam goes dark you know she's just walked pass)hehe..!.(:O)now Ive wound everybody up im going for even more rays..>>whoosh
Even I know enough about Leonard C to not confuse him with JC, haha

That's it, I'm changing my lot need to go to Specsavers. I liked the positivity of it, the approaching footsteps... most pics of prints in the sand are going away. I've got a thing about seeing people walk away...and falling down...I'd have to make an exception for Sweedie though seeing as she's made a hobby of it.

I think it's all pie in the sky Vinny.
Leonard Cohen equals John Cleese?????? In what universe??????
I thought your avatar was a swollen belly as well Robi and i thought is there something you're not telling us !!!
haha, lol Dolly, just because one son has left I've absolutely no intention of making another...even if it was possible!
< < < and if there's any doubt about this one
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In what universe Woofy, well in that of my friend's apparently ha ha - it's true they had both been on the telly recently and they have both been forced out of semi-retirement due to past lovers stripping them bare, but still it's a far-fetched mix-up... I don't know how her mind works... probably like this

I liked the beach, Miss!
Just had the biggest unexpected deluge ever. Was trying to have a siesta with the cat, when I heard a dreadful roaring noise and thought it was passing traffic (not that we ever hear passing traffic) then thought ole Gordon had brought in all his friends for a disco, then discovered it was teeming down. Stopped now as back to sunny, how strange!!!
The gods are not pleased with your mockery of my aviator...prepare for a hailstones & locusts...
On Boo's thread there could be a new biddy...her name is lardhelmet...hehe..!(:O)
Hello sunshines
Ever so hot here today .
Haha... What did you have as a "main" then Vinny ? Sprout sandwiches :)

Nothing doing at Shaneytowers .Absoutely nothing .I've sat in the garden mostly and read a book .
Hope you are all OK ..bye for now xx

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