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towbar required for j reg 1991 sierra chasseur car

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alisonscott | 19:47 Mon 21st Apr 2008 | Cars
4 Answers
hi i wonder if anyone can help me find a towbar for my ford sierra j reg 1991 .its a hatchback .i live in manchester area .acheap as possible cant afford new prices .grateful of any help .thanks


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How far are you from bury? If you are close come on the M66 come off at Bury, Turn left as if you were going to the town center, Ist set of T.Lights There is a Church on the corner, turn left there, There are about 8 scrap yards down there. They are in the book but I cannot remeber the area.
I got one from ebay the postage was reasnoble too
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thanks ,i keep looking on ebay but none to fit .
ill try to track down bury scrap yards .
I have a friend who got a tow bar for his car just by spotting a car the same make for sale at side of the road with a tow bar on it and knocking on the blokes door and offering him a few quid for the tow bar.

So keep an eye out as you are driving around, may be lucky.

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towbar required for j reg 1991 sierra chasseur car

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