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New Dartford Crossing System - How Will It Work For Foriegn Vehicles?

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ToraToraTora | 23:56 Sun 30th Nov 2014 | Motoring
61 Answers
Great idea but how do they charge the non UK vehicles?


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jourdain you can pay by cash or card at any outlet displaying a' PayPoint' or 'PayZone' sign. You can pay from 24 hours before you cross and up to midnight the day after. There are several 1,000 such points all over the UK.
They can apply a fat tag system Eddie, we used it on the Mersey.
Fast Tag
What's a 'fast tag'?
Earth calling Methyl, why on earth does the M25 need another service station?
At that time, There was a camera on the Toll Booth, the fast tag was a device similar to your Sat Nav, the Camera read your tag as you approached the Booth, the HGV Never stopped but passed at a walking pace. to tag was Registered / Bought with sufficient funds as to never to be caught out. ( Not Paying )
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Methyl, if I am the troll you have 'acquired' you are quite wrong.

I am quite familiar with the M25 and still see no reason for any more service stations.
^^ where the hell would you put a new service area for ' a few thousand cars' on the M25?
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..and the rush hour near the M40 will be even more congested now that people will be choosing to go clockwise instead of anti-clockwise (which is what I`ll be doing)
EDDI 51 - yes, I know that and have located a place where I can pay - but it is an extra stop-off and finding the shop I can pay at (not all that plentiful outside the south of England). Just another stress when I could have paid by card or chucking cash.
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It's the sort of thing that the anti-europeans want Methyl.
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Not just the UKIP,methyl,but the vociferous anti european posters who infest this site ad nauseum. ;-)
'' When you first visit the M25'' methyl I use the M25 nearly every month.

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