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EDDIE51 | 14:45 Fri 01st Apr 2016 | Motoring
72 Answers
I followed a BMW today and the driver was actually using the indicators ! Is this an April fool's joke?


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//But I always use my indicators, as far as I am aware.//

Then you would be rebuked an considered a driver unworthy of an Advanced driving qualification by your senior instructor.

If you had worked your way up from a standard driver,van driver,intermediate driver to Advanced driving Course at the Hendon Driving School you would NOT use your indicator every time you altered lanes or intended to turn left/right at junctions.
To do so,if you were driving strictly to the system of driving as laid down in Roadcraft, would indicate to your examiner that you were not using your mirror sufficiently and unaware if there was any following traffic that would benefit from your signal . After all. What is the point of indicating your intention to deviate your course if there is no other driver behind you to appreciate your intent.You would fail an Advanced driving course on your constant unecessary use of your indicators just for that reason.
I can speak from some experience. I was a Advanced motorcyclist (Class 1),Advanced Driver (class 1) Anti -Ambush and Evasion tactics (Crash and Bash course) HGV class2 (as was called then) and PSV Class1. I also attended Solihull Land Rover All Terrain course and qualified in that. (Where they train the British Camel Rally team).
Using your indicators,mikey, at every occasion does not make a good driver irrespective if you drive a Travant or a Rolls Royce. :-)
Ever heard of blind spots, retro?
I remember on my driving test (just over 50 years ago) I was asked if I needed to indicate if there were no other vehicles in sight. My reply was "yes, just in case there's someone I haven't seen". I appreciate that different standards are applied to basic and advanced driving tests but that answer was not enough to fail me. I still indicate all the time; I'm not arrogant enough to assume that I've seen everybody else who's on the road.
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Indicators signal your intentions to other road users unfortunately, many so called advanced drivers do not signal because they do not see another car.
I thought that having indicators removed was a BMW optional extra.

No, having them fitted is the optional extra.
One should also bear in mind that, for example, when overtaking a slower vehicle, one's indicator is also a signal of intent to the vehicle in front, where, hopefully, the driver is keeping an eye on his/her mirrors.
retrocop: /// After all. What is the point of indicating your intention to deviate your course if there is no other driver behind you to appreciate your intent.You would fail an Advanced driving course on your constant unecessary use of your indicators just for that reason.///

I know it's April Fools Day, but I actually think you were serious with your previous post. I'm proud to tell you that I would fail an Advanced driving course.

You say what is the point of indicating if there is no other driver behind to appreciate your intent. So, according to you, you will not indicate until you've checked your mirrors. That sounds fine, why not just signal anyway? If you have to make a decision every time, is it a case of - 'Do I signal'? - 'Do I not signal'?, why not just do it? Indicate every time, because occasionally you will forget, unless you're the perfect driver.

If you are going to turn left say, do you check your mirror and if no one is behind you, you'll just turn left without a signal. But what about that pedestrian wanting to cross the road just beyond the junction? Because you didn't indicate, he's left there waiting unnecessarily for your vehicle to pass.

At least you have partly explained to me why I have to put up everyday with drivers who just won't use their indicators.

By the way, I can use my indicators using just one finger - is it a more complex system on other cars?
Retro, I indicate even when I haven't seen a vehicle that needs to know I am turning in case I haven't seen it.

As Frugalfred says, there are blind spots - particularly on my artic. As a motorcyclist wouldn't you like me to indicate 'just in case'?

I may not have done my advanced training, but if that is what they teach I don't think I will bother.
No, wouldn't fail the Advanced Test at all.....because you obviously think about how you drive and are aware of the.....what if....x
The Highway Code says you must signal to other road users. There are other users of the road as well as cars. Failing to signal to a pedestrian when making a turn is bad driving.
I just saw a BMW driver using his indicators correctly on the motorway. Twice. Should I report the vehicle as stolen?

//, of course not. But I always use my indicators, as far as I am aware. //

Although the left indicators seem to wear out so much quicker. Haha (made myself laugh)
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retrocop argues that there's no need to indicate if there's no other vehicles around. How do we know that BMW drivers don't indicate? It's because we (other drivers) see them not indicate. TYherefore they are not indicating when there are other road-users about.
//you are showing yourselves up as incompetent,lazy drivers who just signal for the hell of it//

Err, not as lazy as those that can't be bothered sticking a finger out to flip an indicator stalk, maybe it is an extremely strenuous activity for some.

Nothing to do with complying with the law then, although some do consider themselves to be above the law.

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