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insurance premiums

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scorpio17 | 16:50 Tue 08th Nov 2005 | Motoring
4 Answers

my car was hit while i was turning right off a major road into a minor road by another vehicle pulling out of the minor road, his insurance wants me to accept 50-50 but i am not prepared to do this, while all this is being argued out and my car is off the road, do i still have to pay my monthly insurance premiums?



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Yes you do still have to pay your premiums.

If it was not your fault and you were on your own side of the road etc. then stick to your guns and insist it was not your fault.

Good luck.

I'll bet they do.

What does your insurance company say?

Yes, you almost certainly got your years insurance on monthly tems in much the same was as if you'd bought a sofa. You still owe the money for the years insurance.

I'm no expert but if he was coming out of a minor road and turning right and you were turning right into the same minor road he was almost certainly "at fault" there would have been road markings instructing him to stop.

I guess there could have been complications such as if he were mid manouver when you arrived at the junction but all things being equal I'd say you've a good case and the fact that they're saying 50:50 is evidence of this

Sorry scorpio but I think it is (or should be) out of your hands. His insurance company should be dealing with your company and not with you. Your company should be fighting for you.
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yes Gef sorry should have explained myself better his insurance are dealing with my company, but it was my insurance company that told me his insurance company are offering 50-50 and i told them i wont accept because the other driver was at fault, and yes jake-the-peg there was a keep clear road marking where he pulled out from.

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