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Buying a car

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freak_unique | 22:17 Fri 25th Aug 2006 | Motoring
6 Answers
Say if i was to purchase a car from someone / or from a garage. Would i have to insure it and register it as mine before being able to drive it home?


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The car doesn't have to be registered to you (the V5 can take weeks to be sent back from DVLA with the new details), but you have to be insured on it. Normally you have to be the owner of the car to get insurance. There's a difference between being the owner and being the registered keeper.
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so i would just have to phone up and insure myself on it? and then could drive it as much as wanted even before the v5 gets back to me?
when i bought cars in the past, i was already insured to drive my current car so i always put the car i bought in my wifes name, as i was insured to drive a car not belonging to me, under my current policy, i used this just too get the car home until i sorted the insurance out, though me beetles still in me wifes name after 10 years
I was picking my new car up last Saturday so phoned the insurance company on the Friday and told them I wanted to be insured from 10am on Saturday. Gave the reg of new car, paper work came yesterday.
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aw wicked thanks alot its not for now just thinking about if and when i pass hehe
Curly; I don't see how that is any more legal as all cars need to have insurance. Just because you are insured to drive cars you don't own doesn't make it legal to drive an uninsured car.

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