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Entitled to Drive and SORN

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chrissa1 | 16:14 Wed 22nd Sep 2010 | Motoring
7 Answers
I posted yesterday about scrqapping ne old escort. Someone is coming in the morning to collect it and give me £50 for it. He says he is registered to drive and SORN car to get it back to his yard.
Is he right and should I care as I will have the signed slip from him to send to the DVLA?


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If he has trade plates, (red and white ones). Make sure you date and time the slip and get him to sign it.
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Ah, right RI, Cheers.
Write a receipt out for it too with a time and date and also get him to sign that, just to doubly cover yourself.
Scrappies have their own laws.
He will just drive it.
Make sure you deal with all the paperwork the DVLA require you to. Do NOT let the new owner do stuff that you should do.
i believe im right in saying even trade plates dont cover SORN, im sure i saw an article in a motor trade mag where there had been prosecutions for using trade plates
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Signed and dated slip has gone off to the DVLA.

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