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New car sales GB

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mccfluff | 16:56 Fri 19th Nov 2010 | Motoring
4 Answers
I'm trying to find a report on new car sales in GB from 2001 to date, i can get the used car sales from SMMT but can;t find the new sales

anyone got any ideas?


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Would that not be classed as New Registrations?...
Question Author
yup but i'm looking for one table that lists them from 2001-to date, this one is month buy month, its doing my head in now!

thanks for looking
"Detailed analysis of the figures can be purchased through SMMTs Automotive Information Services department"
Question Author
yeah i found that bit as well. I found something,its not quite what i'm looking for but it will have to do, thanks again for looking :-)

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New car sales GB

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