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Still won't start!

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benny3008 | 18:38 Mon 31st Jan 2011 | Motoring
54 Answers
I posted the other day about my Rover 214 not starting, I thought it was the immobiliser which I now think it isn't, I tried a different battery in it today and it made a different sound but it still won't turnover, the sound it made was like a squeaking, it sounded as though it didn't have enough push to turnover the engine so gives up, I tried putting it in first gear with handbrake off and rocking it to free up any stiff parts (it has been sat for a while). this hasn't worked, anyone got any ideas what it could be? before it was sat for a long time, it was used daily but struggled with cold starts. could it be that my starter motor has bitten the dust? :-(


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Baron Might be a way of Benny learning about car mechanics if he wants to (and is capable) - then weigh it in?
Yes, I know - a temporary fix just to eliminate everything else, then it's a case of taking it out then part exchanging for a new one. (Assuming they still re-condition/give money off old ones).
prancer - will be lots on scrap dealers shelves lol
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Thanx for all answers, yes, i can remove the starter motor which i am going to do today hopefully. what should i check for and how can i test it? i know you can do it with a battery but not sure where to connect leads on starter motor and solenoid. :-/
as said earlier, get a wooden handled hammar, hold it at the head end, then bang the other end onto the starter motor, should free it up, I used to do that to my Rover I had in 2000,
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just taken the starter motor off, all seems fine, it turns by hand and it's not stuck in the engaged position. :-) now i'm getting more and more concerned that my engines seized up. :-(
you still have a good batty there and jump leads?
you need to check solonoid is working? No reason for engine to have siezed - if it was running before
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Yes, i still have battery and jumpleads. i'm a bit scared to test it though as i dont like the sparks it creates lol.

Redhelen - I considered it but I really do want to fix it myself, im on a level 2 mechanics course at college so want to get experience etc...
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also. i tried to turn the engine over with a socket on the crank pulley (spark plugs still in as i dont have socket for them) and it turned a little bit but wouldn't go any further. :-( next time i'm in town, i shall get the socket and try it with spark plugs out.
not surprising with spark plugs in - BIG TIP - label the leads so you don't get confused which goes where!
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yep, have made sure i know where they all go. :-)
Oh second big tip - not important here because your engine isn't turning over.

An RAC bloke did this on my old MGB to get it going and I've used it ever since on everything from lawnmowers up.

Bit naughty so be carefull - take out spark plugs and heat the gaps nice and hot with a blow torch

With *thick* gloves put them back in - starts damp stroppy engines just lovely!
and then starter motor will turn - it will turn freely by hand if mechanicals inside are even it's burnt out
jake need to get it turning over first - lol Benny - just to be sure you mark plug leads with tipex or any other identifier so you 1-2-3-4 - just in case you need to take anything else apart. Just confirm that car is negative earth - which side of battary in car is connectd to body? + or -
confirm its negative earth??

It's a rover214, not an Austin Healey!
sparks will happen when you test - just need to be sure of what you are doing - they won't hurt you - just make sure you don't have a bucket of petrol close by or anything else inflammable - lol
realise that chuck - but would i just like to make sure it is - and then Benny will know difference as well PS chuck - when did the A series engine start out in life?
Sometime in the 50's (well before the mini). and yes, it's original fitments would have been in positive earth cars (I know the early minis had positive earth?)

But that's not really relevant, the rover 200 was never fitted with an A series, they had either Honda engines or BL/austin/rover K, S or M series engines.

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