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shes out of my league

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SKA | 13:59 Mon 29th Jan 2007 | Music
3 Answers
there's a song and im sure thats what he says in it i think its new. Does anyone know whos it is please??


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It is called 'She's like the wind' it was used in the film Dirty Dancing, but I can't tell you whether the version you heard is a new cover version or the original by Patrick Swayze.
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the one i heard was an rnb track on galaxly
Could be out of my league by Stephen Speaks ks_lyrics_7296/no_more_doubt_lyrics_24700/out_ of_my_league_lyrics_271162.html

Or maybe McFly � Obviously, but doubt it if it were an RnB song. xx

Or Brodie - High Standards

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shes out of my league

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