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Billy Joel

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daveboy | 11:35 Wed 09th Jun 2004 | Music
5 Answers
I would like to locate a copy (audio or video) of a billy joel concert broadcast by the bbc in the early 80's from wembley arena with a group of vets singing 'goodnight saigon'. Any ideas chaps


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I have this concert on video and can maybe make you a copy if you were willing to pay for the expense of it, as I'd have to take it to a copying place as I don't have the facilities myself. I actually bough it on ebay for �30 which was far more than I wanted to pay but as it was a one-off and there were a few other bidders, if I really wanted it then I didn't have much choice. All the best Sean P.S. The main reason I wanted it was that it was the first concert that I ever went to! ;)
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Will you marry me? Yes will cover all copy and postage costs let me know your details so we can arrange it. You are a fine gentleman.
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On the marrying issue, I'm sure you're a very nice person but probably not my type. ;) If as you say you'd be happy to pay the expenses then I don't see any problems, other than I'm assuming you put up your contact details but they were removed before I read them. Not sure then how to make contact and can this site's admin come up with any suggestions?

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