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What is the title of the song with these lyrics

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tigntaz | 21:33 Thu 28th Aug 2008 | Music
5 Answers
Where's your mama gone
Little baby boy

Where's you mama gone
Far, far away

Last night I heard my mama singing a song
Woke up this morning and my mama was gone


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Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep was no. 1 for Middle Of The Road in 1971.

How sad am I knowing that??????
About as sad as me, Mrs O. This record being number one (or whatever it got to) was the first time ever that I became aware of the concept of pop charts.
Sadly I knew that too :(
enjoy every cheeeeeeeeesy moment of it........
well mrs o, saxy & bensmum - we must all be around the same age (born early 60's?) - i rememer c.c.c.c. extremely well - i still know most of the lyrics 30 odd years later. I LOVED that song - in fact the next drunken kareoke I do, I shall see if that one's on it. Oh, nostalgia...

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What is the title of the song with these lyrics

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