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Tama Inperialstar Drumkits

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James311084 | 18:57 Sat 21st Nov 2009 | Music
3 Answers
I'm looking to upgrade my drumkit to gig with but just want some advice before I buy one.

I have been looking at the Tama Inperialstar Drumkits online and also noticed lots of drummers use this.

Would you recommened this kit?


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Well, they're not rubbish. Like any instrument, though, try one out, get a feel for it, see whether you really do like it or not. Does it sound how you like a kit to sound? Do you actually feel comfortable with it? Try one or two others, too, and take a few weeks over the whole process if you can. At the end of the day, if you still really like it, and it's at a good enough price for you, then I'd say go for it.

On the other hand, don't buy one just because it's what your favourite drummer plays. You may play like him or her, but you will never actually be him/her, no matter how much you emulate their style/kit/technique etc.

Might be worth popping along to http:/ . There are lots of really nice, helpful people on there who know a lot more than I do and don't mind sharing their expertise.
Saxy is quite right - you need to try out a kit and find if it is right for you.

These days, there is very little in terms of technical development or design to separate the top-end manufacturers, so it does come down to personal preference.

I write for Drummer magazine, and of the dozens of top flight players I have met, alll have said that their kit is a personal choice, and nothing to do with what other players use.
Mind you, I can forgive anyone for falling in love with some of the kits at last month's Jobecky fair. Some of those kits are phwoarrr-making, I can tell you. I'm told they sound OK too, but not being a drummer, I'll take my bloke's word for it.

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