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Why does the scottish radio stations have a different number 1 than the english ? If its the uk charts

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cdwrover123 | 19:28 Sun 17th Oct 2010 | Music
33 Answers
Why does the scottish radio stations have a different number 1 than the english ? If its the uk charts


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Thats all we need a fanny called tranny to eff the rep of us Scots up.I dont think its a Scot anyway.
Why as a matter of interest lets says Mike as you answered -do you thin k when any comparison to England is required (no idea why) is it always the Scots who are the ones used as an example? Why not Welsh or NI people -theres plenty posters on here who are both nationalities.
Also why are Scots called sweaties -its not jocular on here any how.Whats the pet endearment for Irish and welsh people.I dont have a problem -I call Enlish people English Welsh welsh Irish Irish but some factions seem to think its hilarious to call Scots sweaties.I know wher it derived from but surely its juvenile -hmm?
> Also why are Scots called sweaties

It's rhyming slang.
I think I'm a Paddy....
Markrae, you never did answer my question re. do you have a problem with me ?
It looks as if I've upset you in some way by trying to be funny or nicking other peoples jokes.
What say you, my friend ?
dris my darling sweatie socks slang for jocks are you looking for a scottish sugar daddy, as tammo on sab is looking to get tony to pimp for him.
I think Boxtops that lilsecret is hoping cdw will eventually catch on. Whether she's hoping for too much remains to be seen, but don't give up lilsecret!
Aye you probably are ummmm -it wouldnt p!ss you off (see how I pre empted ya lol) but im sure it would a few if they were constantly called Paddies.H worked in both the North and the South for many years and the Irish he worked with and for didnt take kindly to being called paddies -they took it- as as it was generally given out- as a patronising phrase.
If Dris's knowledge of Cockney rhyming slang hasn't enabled her to work out what Mike is referring to, 'sweaty (sock)' = 'jock.

I had a horrid feeling, when I posted in Gaelic, that someone might reply in the same language. Now I'm really struggling. After all, I can only provide such eternally useful everyday phrases as "Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein loma-làn easgannan" ;-)
Also why are Scots called sweaties -its not joc(k)ular. LOL.
awa an bile yer heid !
O what a real all think I am lmao !!
Course I blooming knew just didnt get it why it was always the Scots (the country which has a population of half of London) is always the ones which the English feel they must mock.We dont need to mock you with tender endearments -you do a good enough job yourselves :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm afraid I know no Gaelic, but can do a fancy turn in Welsh. (Must be something to do with the sheep).
Chris -not like you to be so blatantly fascetious.It doesnt become you :(

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Why does the scottish radio stations have a different number 1 than the english ? If its the uk charts

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