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Wish People Would Stop Being Silly

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teacake44 | 13:23 Thu 20th Feb 2020 | Current Affairs
79 Answers
Complaining about the PM not visiting flood areas, He can see what's happening the same as we all can. What purpose is it going to serve by him going. Flying from A TO B TO C all day in an expensive helicopter with also a police helicopter as security. The police have enough to do as it is, and the cost of such can be better spent. Just let him do his job as he see's fit, from his office.
We saw David Cameron do this a few years back, and it don't achieve anything at all.


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I will reiterate. How the Welsh waterways are maintained and controlled has nothing to do with Boris or Westminster...You didn't know did you. Just bumping away again when you know nothing. If you had been able to pay attention you would have noticed that it was being discussed just yesterday in Cardiff. Why should Boris visit flood victims in Wales? Indeed...
14:06 Thu 20th Feb 2020
Arh yes Spicey , gotya :0)
TD, Which is better, a visit from the PM, or compensation? It's a no-brainer, but I would like to hear your (biased) opinion.
Knowing Boris he'd rock up with a tray of tea and biscuits.
"TD, Which is better, a visit from the PM, or compensation?"

I don't think a visit would be taking away from compensation. Boris has people working for him, he doesn't do absolutely everything.

I'm not saying he should visit the flooded, all I'm saying is the flooded have their opinions and if you're not flooded I don't think you have a right to decide their opinions are to be mocked.
He did visit flood victims recently. Maybe this experience has persuaded him it's not such a great idea.
TD. Nobody on here is mocking the opinions of the flooded.Do stop trying to make political points from a disaster.
-- answer removed --
".Do stop trying to make political points from a disaster"

What political point have I tried to make?

If anything, this whole OP is trying to make a political point.
//No idea what Extinction Rebellion has to do with the majority of wales bein flooded right now OR why Extinction Rebellion should have an affect on Boris visiting some flooded.//

Why would Boris visit flooded areas of Wales? Nothing to do with him. It is that big building firm in Cardiff who are responsible for the Welsh waterways. Welsh Assembly Ltd or something like that.
Not sure if you know Togo but the Conservative government also govern wales as well as Scottland and England and Northern Ireland.

Usually when natural disaster strikes the PM does the rounds.

I don't care if he does or doesn't but it seems some care more about peoples opinions on if he does or doesn't than if he does or doesn't.
TD can and does have an opinion on everything (including head-butting policemen)
But now says we can't have an opinion unless we've been there, done that. And idiot mods are encouraging his nonsense.
I've seen the word 'compensation' on the thread.

Compensation for what?
Surely the point is victims of flooding need investment? If not just in place of insurance money should be ploughed into stopping such incidents from happening again? No PM it would seem no investment? Having a public school twit turning up is the price you have to pay.
DD//Compensation for what?//
For reparation to the flooding of premises.
You'd think insurance would be good enough.
Where is the compo coming from? Tax payers money?
Many people in repeat flood areas can't get insurance.
Remember the Aussie PM who was heckled when he deigned to cut short his holiday to visit people whose homes had burned down.
"For reparation to the flooding of premises."

The insurance on the houses that have been flooded will pay for the damage.
I will reiterate. How the Welsh waterways are maintained and controlled has nothing to do with Boris or Westminster...You didn't know did you. Just bumping away again when you know nothing. If you had been able to pay attention you would have noticed that it was being discussed just yesterday in Cardiff. Why should Boris visit flood victims in Wales? Indeed why should he visit flood victims anywhere? Let the damned environmental agency "workers" visit and explain why they blindly follow EUSSR rules on Ecomentalism that results in flooding. They have been using the "EU dog ate my homework" excuse for years to hide their indolence and ineffective governance. Anybody notice where hasn't been flooded? That's right.......The Somerset Levels. Know why? Because they ignored the EUSSR directives and commenced dredging and clearing the waterways again after they suffered the consequences of not dredging.
DD, as ZM has said, many people cannot get flood insurance.

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