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I Believe Nigel

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Jordyboy9 | 13:46 Sun 22nd Feb 2015 | Politics
13 Answers
Mr Farage had (quite reasonably) pointed out that the presence of Islamist fanatics in our midst might have something to do with, a) uncontrolled mass migration from the Muslim world, and b) decades of multicultural refusal to integrate them into our laws and customs.


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Ah, so you're the one!
Who could argue with that.
-- answer removed --
Careful. Some people might find that quite a shocking statement. Sensitive souls as they are!!

No, but at least they spelt it right this time Jordy
And c ) their refusal to mix with and accept our culture.
This might become an A-Z guide with a difference!
Since we're posted songs... Media URL:
Hopefully this is better. Media URL:

Try this

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Did Farrago really say "decades of multicultural refusal to integrate them into our laws and customs."?

Perhaps he hasn't noticed that it's a basic aim of Islam to incorporate everyone into their laws and customs.

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I Believe Nigel

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