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Racial Abuse?

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anotheoldgit | 12:40 Sun 08th May 2011 | News
157 Answers

An inappropriate remark, but 'Racial Abuse'? I don't really think so.

We do not know what prompted this elderly gentleman to make this remark, but we do know he could have worded it better.

A small proportion of children (from whatever tribe) behave badly in supermarkets and other establishments, without any redress from their parents.

Surely if Ms Husain had a grievance with the 'elderly gentleman' she could have taken it up with him personally, without the need to play the 'Race Card', involve the supermarket's manager or posting it on Twitter?


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Totally agree with you, AOG. This woman was told to control her children, who were obviously playing up, she didn't like being told what to do... So pulled out the "racist" card. Going to the store manager is just pathetic. If you have an issue with someone, just confront them there and then. The store manager can't do anything about what one shopper says to...
13:01 Sun 08th May 2011
But did you enjoy your shopping trip, AOG? would have to be more than a border.......Menorca is an island.
Sqad, You mean you don't have your own chopper?
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Errrr....this is in news!!!!

CB is up there^^^^^^^
Sorry Ummmm, thought it was another racist rant
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pinki/Chaffinch....LOL....some things you really have to have a feel for......

Sorry more ...I promise.
I can't stop singing ... pinki and the brain, brain, brain , brain brain, brain, brain , brain every time i read one of pinkis silly replies... of course it was a racist remark.
if he had just said get your tribe in order fair enough, but the english remark proves it was meant to be a racist comment..
Ms Husain is one of the fastest-rising stars of BBC News. Her authoritative presence has been particularly in evidence this week in the aftermath of the raid on Bin Laden’s lair in Abbottabad, from where she has given reports outside the fortress compound of the Al Qaeda leader.

Yeah....really stupid woman....*sigh*
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I can't believe anyone see this as acceptable!

If he had said "can you control your kids" that would have been absolutely fine.

If he had said "can you control your tribe" It's borderline, but to give the benefit of the doubt I would have said just a poorly chosen phrase in the circumstances (I also refer to friends kids as "their tribe" sometimes.

To say "can't your tribe act like proper English kids" is blatantly racist and it's not her that "played the race card" it was him that brought it up.
I don't think a 'stupid woman' would get to her position doc.

Cambridge graduate too.
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Thank you for a sensible answer, not just because you agree with me, but also because you didn't find the need to have a dig at me.

To all you others can't you please just disagree if you must, but answer in an adult manner, because it is getting all so boring.

I know my pleas will be ignored, but if you my questions upset you so, please tell me what questions are allowed in your world of controlling individuals?
Answerprancer, when you have had to deal with the mother of a child that has just run into a metal shelf and split their face open because their mother was totally ignoring their child's bad behavior then come back and tell me you prefer kids running riot in a shop. I have more to do in my day than ring for ambulances, deal with response forms and try to administer first aid to distruptive screaming badly behaved children of useless mothers.
I agree Chuck....but even if someone said to me 'can you control your kids' in a supermarket I'd be offended. Taking 3 young kids to the supermarket is hard work....
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Excuse me AOG - I answered in a adult manner...
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